Winter chap and the kisses from 6 grandparents could leave my babies with red and raw cheeks, but my Mom mooched this idea when my sis and I were babies and shared it with me:
Mary Kay's Night Emmolient Cream...better known as "the pink stuff.'
It's amazing. I would never lead you astray when it comes to beauty products, my friends. I put the thick goo on my babies' faces every day and they have yet to get chapped cheeks or lips. It can withstand the dryness that the winter brings and I even use it on my face if it starts to get itchy and uncomfortable.
Go buy some right away. Your skin will thank you. To my 3 male readers: you are not too manly for the pink stuff, get yourself to your local Mark Kay rep immediately.
Happy baby cheeks:
Sara's always bugging me about my face being dry. If only it came in blue... Can't do pink.
For the non pink folks-grape seed oil is pretty fab if you just cant force yourself to put pink on your face (this is for your male readers) ;)
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