Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am often surprised at what comes out of my mouth on any given day. Here is a sampling:

"Nobody likes to be stared at when they use the bathroom."

"Put the knife away."

"Don't touch your poo! Don't touch your poo! Don't touch your poo!"

"That's not nice to spit in mommy's homemade meal."

"You do not need coffee. Yes, I am sure."

"Tampons are not for little boys!"

"Eyeshadow is not for little boys!"

"Facebook is not for little boys!"

Apparently, he and Emma are doing some chatting. I'm calling her mother.


NealNews said...

That's funny, I've said most of those things more than once as well. Evelyn also asks for coffee, or rather demands it. She has never had any and I'm sure would spit it out, or rather let it run out of her mouth, if she did. Why she keeps asking for it, I do not know.

Anonymous said...

I think he's trying to find Granny's facebook....oxoxo Granny