Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Hard Question

Recently, I was asked by The Contemplative Tulsan to be a guest blogger. Aside from my insensitive comments about mini-vans, the response seems to be positive. One question he asked, however, always trips me up:

What's your favorite thing about being a Mom?

Geeze; that should be easy to answer. I'm asked that question quite often, and I am still unable to put it into words. It all boils down to him. He's the best thing about being a mommy. All of those hundreds of ways he enriches my life and pushes my buttons. And steals my sleep. And my cookies. How could I sum this up:

-Waking up every morning to "Hi Mommy!" and getting a big kiss.
-Nap time when he wraps his little arms around my neck and puts his head on my chest.
-He closes his eyes when I ask him to do something he doesn't want to do.
-He puts himself in time-out when he feels he deserves it, then says "sorry" and offers a conciliatory hug.
-He celebrates when I make a dessert. "Oh Mommy! Nummy! Nummy!"
-He's excited to see me when I pick him up from Sunday School.
-He makes me feel like my kisses have magical healing powers.
-He finds joy in everything.
-Those dark, brown eyes and the way he wiggles his hands and says, "Hold you! Hold you!"
-He has the best toys his grandparents could find, and he is happiest in the mud with a stick.
-Every song is an occasion to dance.

So, to sum up; it's him. All 30 pounds of him.

Having a "nummy."


Tracey said...

About "closing his eyes when he doesn't like something"...I saw him do that last time I was there and it shocked me...it looked exactly like what my brother, his great uncle Kim does! His uncle Ty does it too! Isn't legacy amazing??

Anonymous said...

I close my eyes too. Isn't that only one removed????oxoxo Granny

Sarah Bessey said...

it is hard to articulate without resorting to cliches, isn't it? Any words you can use seem cheap and overused. But you're right - it's just them. Being with them, loving them, knowing them. What a gift! you are an amazing mother.