Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Post Break-up

Since I ended my affair with fast food meat and unorganic meat all-together, I've had all the usual symptoms of a hard break-up:

-Painful withdrawals
-Learning a "new normal"
-Random bouts of sobbing....usually when I pass a Sonic.

For example, one of my clients brought in a bag of Taco Bell during a consult, and, I automatically thought, "I'm going to go get some tacos after this appointment." As I was absentmindedly driving towards the drive-in window, I remembered the slaughter houses, beef fillers and animal mistreatment. I went straight home and warmed up some soup instead.

And it felt freaking great.

With the help of some very supportive friends, I've discovered these local resources to help with my new eating/cooking plan:

The Living Kitchen

Natural Farms

The Downing Family Farm

I have also put in an order for half a cow. Never thought I'd say that...but one of our church members is a rancher with organic meat, and you have to buy in bulk. My deep freezer will be put to good use come October....

I have to chuckle at myself...Sara has half a cow in her freezer.

Also, I have a small favor. If you have any resources to help with this endeavor, would you please leave it in the comment section or e-mail me at

Thank you!


Tracey said...

I guess the next step is organic gardening. I'm seriously going to try that next year!

Chells said...

I know what you mean about the Taco Bell......

Solution= Bean Burrito and gettin' a truck load of hot sauce to pour on everything you make at home.

Power is powerful.